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Kuala Lumpur
April 21, 2024

Year 5 Celebrates Shakespeare's Legacy

A rousing "Huzzah!" filled the Global Indian International School Kuala Lumpur (GIIS KL) auditorium on Wednesday, April 3rd, as Year 5 students embarked on a time-traveling adventure into the world of William Shakespeare to celebrate the birthday of the man who penned some of the most famous words in the English language.

Forget your typical history lesson.  This assembly was a whirlwind of interactive activities that brought Shakespeare to life. Swords, ruffs, and plenty of "thees" and " thous" painted a vivid picture of the era.  Students learned about Shakespeare's journey, from his mysterious beginnings in Stratford-upon-Avon to his celebrated playwright status in London. They even discovered the fascinating stories behind iconic plays like Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, and Macbeth.

This celebration went beyond remembering a historical figure. It was about appreciating the power of language, the magic of storytelling, and the enduring legacy of Shakespeare.

More importantly, the assembly highlighted Shakespeare's immense contribution to the English language. Students learned how his plays, rich with vocabulary and timeless themes, continue to shape our world today. From the enduring power of love in "Romeo and Juliet" to the complexities of ambition in "Macbeth," these stories resonate across centuries, reminding us that human emotions remain remarkably constant.

The Year 5 students didn't just delve into Shakespeare's life and works; they also tackled the enduring mystery surrounding his death. Their presentations explored the various theories, sparking lively discussions and piquing curiosity.  Additionally, they shed light on the numerous awards and accolades bestowed upon Shakespeare throughout his career, solidifying his place as a literary giant.

By the end, the Year 5 students weren't just celebrating Shakespeare's birthday; they were celebrating the magic of language itself. Perhaps this event sparked a lifelong love of theatre or a newfound appreciation for the Bard's brilliant words. After all, as Shakespeare himself wrote, "All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players." And on this day, the stage of the GIIS KL belonged to a group of enthusiastic young learners, ready to play their part in the grand drama of literature!

This assembly aligns perfectly with Gem1: Academic Excellence and Gem 7: Universal Values and Ethics of the 9GEMS holistic education framework adopted by GIIS KL.

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